Trails is a Project in Art Education

Trails promote arts activities in Adult Education in the search for links between our present social, human and ecological situation and early prehistorical civilizations and ancient cultures in the European continent,

Trails promote arts activities in Adult Education.
searching for links to our present social, human and ecological situation.
Focusing on early civilizations and ancient cultures in the European continent,

Exchange of good practices
in Adult Education

Co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme
of the European Union

Linking Displines
linking disciplines
Connecting People
connecting people
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encouraging learning in adult education
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Each partner has run the arts activities in their institution, employing the tools of the project for assessment and produced reports to be discussed during the transnational partner meetings. Conclusions are going to be made public at the end of the project on the website and will remain accessible as Open Education Resource.

N-arts uses observations of the facilitators (Concept Mapping) as well as qualitative evaluations (Five Ways of Wellbeing) considering the reflections of the participants to assess the impact of arts in adult education.

Personal experiences of the facilitators, evaluations and observations, were to be the central subjects of the exchange of good practices.

The N-arts project had a duration of 14 months and included four transnational partner meetings.