Centrum Kształcenia Ustawicznego Nr 2 (CKU 2) is a public adult education institution with 500 students and 33 highly qualified staff members. It offers a three-year full-time and part-time secondary school programme for adults who can finish it with a Matriculation Exam.
CKU 2 teaches adult students who left school some years ago and school dropouts who are over the age of 16. Some of them are at a risk of social exclusion, some have a low qualification, and some have an immigration background. Finishing school at CKU 2 gives the students an opportunity to find a job or a better job and/or access to a university.
CKU 2 also provides exam preparation courses, vocational courses for adult learners and many additional events. They provide education on different levels; not only dealing with the teaching, but also the socialising, especially with those who are poorly integrated in society.
CKU 2 successfully participated in various Grundtvig projects of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the EU.
The responsible person for the project coordination and execution of the N-Arts activities is Ewa Duda, a teacher of mathematics at the Centre for Continuing Education No 2 in Warsaw. She has more than 10 years of project experience and was responsible for project managing all CKU 2 projects. Since 2016, she is a PhD student at The Maria Grzegorzewska Pedagogical University. Her research focuses on the process of education for adult learners.