
TdT’s concept of Adult Education

The experience of participating in a dance project in adulthood help in the lifelong development of individual identity, a help that stimulates and enhances the cognitive, social and moral development of individual competencies.
Our goal is to stimulate lifelong learning and to set impulses which, in the ideal case, lead to individual processes being set in motion and continued. 

The value of wellbeing

People find themselves often at a critical point in their lives where they need to be in a dialogue with others as well as have adequate activities in order to gain positive perspectives for the future, to find meaning in life and to see themselves as part of society. Our vision is that in dance lies the potentiality for change; its role is to provide tools and possibilities for shaping a better inclusive society. By creating conditions for people with different life experiences, genders, ethnicities or social backgrounds to engage in a common artistic process, dance provides an answer to those needs by producing a framework for the participants to meet in a protected environment, where they can strengthen their self-confidence and establish personal relations. 

The factor Lifelong Learning

It has been recognized that ontogenetic development is a lifelong process. No age category monopolizes human development. Over the entire life span, continuous and cumulative, but also surprising and discontinuous learning processes can occur. (Ontogenesis: The development of an individual organism from the earliest stage to maturity.)

The Process

Starting position

72 people wanted to participate in the group and the first challenge was to find the 60 participants who could be part of the project. Because most participants know that this is a part of the process, people who didn´t get a place were very understanding of the situation. 

 Orientation points

A structure for the rehearsal was establish:

- ice breaker: for the people to get to know each other and to communicate

- establishing a fixed warm up at the beginning of the rehearsals, which is to be practised throughout the whole period 

- discussing the topic of the performance and finding movement material.

- Participants were invited to find new solutions and alternative ways to deal with issues and challenges, thus developing new learning processes playfully.

- the ideas of the participants, the small choreographies and movement phrases they created and the material from the choreographer were put in a structure.

 Position of arrival

- Around 56 people completed the project with two performances

- for 8 people, the movement vocabulary from the choreographer was quite challenging. Other choreographers were able to deal with the different ages and abilities in the adult group in a better way.